not too much to report from lima. no new photos. the weather still stays the same, yet i may have found a park. today, i'm back to being healthy, but now tali is bed-ridden after staving off a fever yesterday and then suffering through a tooth removal today; thus, she ascends the throne built under blankets to rightfully claim the recently abdicated crown of the pathetic one.
i booked a flight for cuzco yesterday. as of now, the trip will include at least some of the following: machu picchu; a pint of guinness at an irish pub; another big soccer match; white water rafting; an excursion to lake titicaca--the highest lake in the world; altitude sickness; celebrating peru's independence day on the 28th. i'll be staying in cuzco with an american friend of mine who works at an orphanage of sorts there. should be fantastic.
in the meantime, here are a couple of interesting and alarming pieces from regarding 1) "the smash of civilizations in iraq" and the destruction of the "cradle of civilization" and its artifacts and 2) what troop withdrawal might really mean.
with little on the upcoming agenda, i might go see BATMAN BEGINS tonight for the third time. this time, however, i'll keep a keener eye on how the film relates itself and its audience to terrorism, i.e. how master bruce receives his training in the orient at what is ostensibly a terrorist training camp, how these shadowy men plan to once again destroy one of the hallmarks of western civilization, gotham, because of its decadence (not, apparently, because of gotham's meddling, haughty foreign policy), how these men attack in the name of morality but a select few of us really know what is moral, just, and rational, how "justice" in the form of a masked, wealthy man seemingly alters history's natural course by saving his corrupt empire via science and speed, etc.
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